Join the Yummy

Mummy Masters!

You don’t NEED more.
But you WANT more.
Masters is for you.
You have had success AND you want mastery.

Finish what you started…


You want to lose the last pounds and hone the skill of maintenance.


You want the continued support and accountability that Yummy Mummy offers.


You want to feel held by the community, empowered to continue to grow and challenged in the best way possible.


You are just having so much fun and loving who you are becoming.


You realize this is the tip of the iceberg and you want to go deeper, you want to take the coaching tools you learned and apply them to all other areas of your life. (Career, relationships, money, parenting, you name it)



  • Weekly Yummy Mummy Masters Calls where you can get coaching on ANYTHING (there are a few weeks that are “no call” weeks due to holidays, etc),

  • Monthly goals with soul calls (these are a part of our Wednesday calls)

  • Workshops and Guest Expert Speakers

  • Access to The Yummy Mummy Masters Slack

  • Access to The Yummy Mummy Portal

  • Invitation to The Yummy Mummy Masters Retreat

  • Access to ONE BONUS round of The Yummy Mummy Experience with a commitment to full participation


  • Must have completed or are completing The Yummy Mummy Experience

  • Must have met The Client Standard during The Experience

  • Must be committed to The Masters Mindset, where we believe this is a true mastermind, meaning we share our minds with each other in order to help each other, inspire each other and support each other. We know that when we ask for help we are contributing and when we offer help we are contributing to the group as a whole.

  • We are testing "Yummy Mummy Mentors" - meaning that the masters clients that do an additional round of the YMX take on an informal mentorship role to the new experiencer clients. This would mean extra encouragement, engagement and the sharing of your experience with experiencers in slack when appropriate.

An ancient African proverb states: "If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together." The Yummy Mummy Masters Clients personify this.


  • The Yummy Mummy Masters is a LIFETIME ACCESS group!!

  • You are guaranteed lifetime access to live calls, the slack community, the invitation to the retreat (free invite for 2024, a small ticket price starting in 2025), and one additional free round of the YMX Experience.

  • Masters calls are every Wednesday (except major holiday weeks) at 11am-12pm MT.





  • Weekly Yummy Mummy Masters Calls where you can get coaching on ANYTHING (there are a few weeks that are “no call” weeks due to holidays, etc),

  • Monthly goals with soul calls (these are a part of our Wednesday calls)

  • Workshops and Guest Expert Speakers

  • Access to The Yummy Mummy Masters Slack

  • Access to The Yummy Mummy Portal

  • Invitation to The Yummy Mummy Masters Retreat

  • Access to ONE BONUS round of The Yummy Mummy Experience with a commitment to full participation




  • Weekly Yummy Mummy Masters Calls where you can get coaching on ANYTHING (there are a few weeks that are “no call” weeks due to holidays, etc),

  • Monthly goals with soul calls (these are a part of our Wednesday calls)

  • Workshops and Guest Expert Speakers

  • Access to The Yummy Mummy Masters Slack

  • Access to The Yummy Mummy Portal

  • Invitation to The Yummy Mummy Masters Retreat

  • Access to ONE BONUS round of The Yummy Mummy Experience with a commitment to full participation

twelve PAYMENTs



  • Weekly Yummy Mummy Masters Calls where you can get coaching on ANYTHING (there are a few weeks that are “no call” weeks due to holidays, etc),

  • Monthly goals with soul calls (these are a part of our Wednesday calls)

  • Workshops and Guest Expert Speakers

  • Access to The Yummy Mummy Masters Slack

  • Access to The Yummy Mummy Portal

  • Invitation to The Yummy Mummy Masters Retreat

  • Access to ONE BONUS round of The Yummy Mummy Experience with a commitment to full participation


What if I want to do another round of the YMX in addition the the Masters content? (and maybe I feel a little bad for wanting to do it because you are not fully recommending it)

Then do it! Within the Masters you can do one additional Yummy Mummy Experience plus you get a discount on all additional experiences you join in! I want you to ask yourself what you want to do. Find the answer. Find the reasons for why you answered that way. Notice if you like your reasons. There really is NO right or WRONG. You will KNOW if you "should" be in another round. The only reason I am not recommending it for some of you is I want you to practice constraint, know that everything you need is in Masters and I do not want you to feel overwhelmed because there are "too many calls" and there is "too much work" (ps all of these are just thoughts!). However, that being said, you may be able to do both and do both well. It might not be overwhelming for you at all, it might actually still be within constraint for you personally. There is not a right or wrong decision here.

Will there be #ask-a-coach in slack?

YES! Our Masters Slack will look and feel very similar to our current YMX Slack.

Will Yummy Mummy Masters calls be structured?

They will feel familiar to our current coaching calls. However, in the Masters calls I may offer a lesson, exercise or tool at the beginning of the call along with optional homework. Starting in 2023 each month will have a theme (money, time, relationships, rest, etc) in addition to our overall theme of weight loss and weight maintenance.

I really want to do it! I am nervous I can't lose the rest of my weight alone. But money is a concern!

You are not alone.You really do get to decide how you want to approach the future.Why are you nervous? What is the thought creating the nervousness? What does that model look like? Before you make a decision I want to help you believe in you so you make the choice from abundance vs fear - just like if you were ever to change your protocol - I would want you to do it from peace vs frustration. Does that make sense?Then...I want you to imagine that both scenarios work out with you losing weight for the last time - if this was true what would you choose? (ps this IS true.)Another helpful question - where is your growth?When I signed up with my coach for a second round, I was hesitant at first. I knew I could get to my goals with or without her or the group. BUT I knew it would be EASIER for me to get to my goals by continuing to hire her. And for ME making something easy and fun for myself was where my real growth was. I used to think that everything should be hard and I had to really "earn" by results. I used to think I didn't deserve something like this for a second time. That is BS. I deserve whatever it is I want and so does every other woman (omg watch out wild Laura is being unleashed)....As you probably saw/ heard I believe“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”. This is what I have experienced with group coaching personally and what I notice inside The YM Masters. The YM Masters really has turned into a sisterhood. You would be welcomed with warm open arms and feel right at home. We for sure go FAR.As far a planning financially - of course whatever you choose to do, I support. For ME and my family there was so much crazy value in me being in that coaching setting that I chose to put it on a credit card at the same time knowing I had a plan to pay it off later - the small interest was worth it to me. I am not suggesting you do this - this is simply what worked for me.Either way, I LOVE all my clients unconditionally, will always be your coach and want nothing but the best for you regardless of your decision.

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